Saturday, August 22, 2015

Taking on the menaces of the internet #6: Christopher Hart haters

Note: If you're wondering why ::dolphin noise:: keeps showing up, its because this was first posted on SBMania where cursing is filtered. but since you need an account to even view blogs i decided to copy it here.

Chris Hart is a well known manga and cartoon artist that sold millions of how to draw books world-wide.

Fnochrishart is a blog run by SJWs that exposes Chris for the "fraud" and "sexist" that he is. ( )

"A blog dedicated to the inaccurate and artistically questionable "How to draw Manga" books by Christopher Hart; where sub par art, comical ignorance of anything that exists in actual manga, and infuriatingly bad art advice meet. Kawaii moe bishoujo ridiculousness will ensue."

I liked my description better :(

First entry:
"I love when chris traces the final product to make his step by step instructions because it turns the book into a fun spot the difference game"

prove that he traced. Of course it's gonna be different, he's showing a first and last step.

"I broke out laughing at the part where they said future girl should be clothed with protective gear because of the harsh future, but that just means goggles, boots, and random shoulder pads."
I thought you were gonna criticize his art, not typical anime tropes and descriptions that don't even relate to the subject


(Didn't make that up, that's one of their "criticisms" but with better grammar.)

"While standing like this may be more “attractive”, i think I’ll just continue standing with my hands at my sides like a normal person."

Did you not read the description? He says that was a flirty pose.

"Women are basically jello anyway, just pose ‘em however"

What's wrong with using a variety of poses? Are you really bashing him because he won't draw the same pose and expression over and over?

This segment has no actual criticism, just not witty commentary about most of the poses.

"Nice try CH, everyone knows the only body type in manga is skinny with huge boobs."

This is an example. This one is dumb, moving on

"Looks like someone lost their dentures again"
Anime characters aren't usually shown with their teeth when shocked, though he could have left it black instead of coloring it in pink. Who cares?

And that's it, the rest of their content is the same shit over and over again... now for Kiwifarms

Kiwi farms is a hate site about making fun of people and unfortunately Chris Hart is one of these. :(

Wont do the whole thread since a lot of it is repeats and off topic stuff.

Not sure if anybody has heard of an artist known as Christopher Hart. For those who haven't he writes tonnes of ::dolphin noise::ty "how to draw manga" books and that ::dolphin noise:: really, really sells because weeaboos don't want to do art the hard way and just want an easy way to draw Naruto hurr.

if that was the case, why wouldnt they just look for how to draw Naruto tutorials online instead of buying Chris Hart's books?

Anyway, you might wonder why I've brought this man to your attention, well this is because he draws about 6 out of 200 pages in his books and his advice is just
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nothing wrong with that, also the second link is broken.

Draw anatomy without studying it properly!? Who even writes a book on that? Anyway aside from his terrible advice and downright awful art there is his latent sexism that dominates his books.

I dont know maybe EVERYONE ELSE?? 
and of course Chris Hart whiners HAVE to accuse him of being a "sexist" because if they didnt, they would have no other arguments.

(insert More broken links here)

Then to top this all off is the fact that he created a Deviantart account to post art and tutorials. All fine and well until somebody calls him out on his sexism or critiques him; (URL's posted incase screencaps are too small to read)

I can't believe I never knew he had a deviantart! (NOTE: At the time I wrote this, I didn't.)

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I see criticism, but none of the 9 points explain HOW that is. Id say he handled it well.

He doesn't have a deviantart account anymore because he was bombarded with critique by people and he kept calling them trolls. I can't understand how a publisher said yes to this ::dolphin noise::... And his ego is massive from it. To the point of swelling. 

His deviantart is still up, and people who criticize you but dont explain how CAN be trolls.

Mr Hart needs to realize the only reasons he's the "beselling how to draw manga artist!" are because any mention of the word manga has weeaboos lapping it up and it's a pretty ::dolphin noise::in' narrow category to be frank. I know of about 2 regular artists other than him who draw these books and they're Ben Krefta and Peter Gray. Thing is, unlike our friend Christopher these guys have improved over the pictures from those other two guys then and tell us how that is.

and if that was the case every single manga artist would be popular but they're NOT.

It gets me how he can be so unprofessional but still manage to get professionally published.
A lot of his drawings seem like he did them on a whim and thought "I'll slap them in my newest how to book!" because the instructions, when followed never give the same results as they preach. It's like the blind leading the blind really. Criticism is the very fuel of art IMO and if he can't take it then he's just going to end up getting nowhere and making an ::dolphin noise:: of himself.

they gave the same results for me, the details were slightly different but they still looked the same. I saw nothing that suggests he can't take criticism.

If you really want to learn to draw, quit following step-by-step instructions, draw a lot of stuff, and develop your own style.
but then you won't learn from your mistakes, step-by-step shows you how to do it. that works for some people but not everyone.

I don't understand why it says "Chris Hart" on the cover and it's a bit of a scam that the primary audience will overlook the copyright info in the first few pages and see that there are multiple artist working on it instead of thinking that Chris drew everything in the ::dolphin noise:: book. It must be so discrediting to draw for that and just have his name slapped on it...

thats not his fault if people decide not to do further research.

Not even weeaboos desrve to be regressed like that. From personal experience it's depressing realizing for three or four years of my life which I spent trying to draw well were wasted because some artists made capital on a dopey kid who didn't know any better.

how is it "regression" when they maybe never knew how to draw before then?

Well apparently he thinks it's sexy since according to him you do not draw women fat or even mildly toned. Probably the males look relatively normal but the females are always stick figures.

not even going to touch this one.

That's what makes him a lolcow, he's a grown ::dolphin noise:: man who acts like an entitled little brat and encourages really bad artistic choices. There's no problem with learning from books, hell I think everybody refers to an art book every now and then but the problems come when the artist in the books starts preaching ::dolphin noise:: that impressionable kids will listen to.

I'm not seeing any proof. whining is NOT it.

Here's the best post in the thread (there are a few more good posts though), and fittingly it's the last post:

Honestly I feel like people go a little overboard in criticizing Hart. Yes he's a somewhat untalented hack, yes he has some dumb ideas about depicting women, yes he's petty, yes this and yes that, but there are tons of people like that in the world who have made more money and fame for doing less and having half the talent. His drawing books can give people some incorrect ideas about art, sure, but there are plenty of art books like that and anyone genuinely serious about being an artist/cartoonist will not religiously consume his media and his alone. They will learn proper techniques eventually anyway. Again, someone who is serious will consume how-to-draw materials a lot more voraciously than to stick to one specific author and thus learn a variety of things, good and bad, from Hart and from others. 
I used a few of his books growing up but guess what? I also studied other art books by all manner of artists and while my art isn't spectacular or professional quality, it's ::dolphin noise::ed decent and it's not as if I spent years trying to un-learn the horrible things Chris taught me. It's also worth pointing out he gives genuinely good advice for beginners, like the fact that even if you look at a horse from the side you will see the legs on the other side of its body regardless, and his use of action lines is actually really instructive and helpful. Stuff like that. Stuff that people wanna overlook just because hurr hurr he's a dum look at him try to draw mangos. I guess what I'm trying to say is while he's not good, he's not so outright bad either and I think people get a little carried away about it.
Sorry, I'm not trying to call out anyone in this thread and a lot of the criticisms are legitimate, I just thought I'd weigh in finally ^^;

THAT was better than anything i could have ever come up with. :D  i do NOT agree with the parts I didn't bolded but whatever.

Taking on the menaces of the internet #5: Clay Claymore (3rd times the charm....)




that's the only praise I have, because the rest of this video SUCKS.

0:00 I think it'll say alot more about you than him.
0:20 If the episodes finds new ways of suck or sucks more than usual why not?
0:30-35 Criticism is obsession now :D good to know you're so obsessed with TheMysteriousMrEnter and AnimatedJames, oh and lets not forget 03bgood.
0:40 you know that's almost the kind of thing 03bgood would say... (the ISIS part)... yet everyone lets Clay Claymore go....
1:00 why not?
1:05 because people dont like TTG and want to watch people rip it apart, and in that regard TheMysteriousMrEnter is perfect
1:22 I see nothing wrong
1:41 those videos youre showing are about TROLLS, not CARTOONS
1:52 you prove you're just as ignorant as the TTG execs.
(He shows pictures of people he hates and they dont even look bad)
2:28 more like they refuce to address criticism
2:57 even if that was true about everybody, Mr. Enter's point still stands
3:08 how do you know he watched it on TV?
3:35 Unless your answer is "nothing" you guessed wrong.
3:55 you really think thats a good idea for an episode? also it exists to annoy people with crappy writing.
4:35 LAME!
4:44 except he actually knows what that means. apparently you don't if you're complaining about him using it.
5:15 he sure is! that's why he LOVED Sand Castles in the Sand right?
5:29 You probably only hate it because he does.
5:45 it seems more like you're insecure about the things others like.
5:55 No comment
6:00 See 5:29 (Also you get an Award for the lamest nickname for a cartoon ever!)
6:17 why did you REALLY make this video? to bitch about modern shows you dislike because someone you hate happens to like them? also it's on Disney XD not Disney Channel. you got on TheMysteriousMrEnter for using "Straw Man Fallacy" but you don't know what "hypocrisy" is!
(Havent seen much of the show, so I'll move on but not before saying that if you hate it, it can't be that bad.)
6:52, 6:58 see 4:35
7:15 that wasn't even RELEVANT.
7:49 you mean like yourself?
8:01 Please, listen to what he's saying and "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
8:16 still haven't read much of it but I know it isn't as bad as you're saying.
also did you think that maybe the staff members are BUSY WITH OTHER THINGS?
8:42 see 4:35
9:00 not really since he probably didnt watch it on TV
9:26 what is there to enjoy? if you dont already get it, i did NOT enjoy it.
9:31 You should be the last person talking about someone not being funny.