Saturday, August 22, 2015

Taking on the menaces of the internet #5: Clay Claymore (3rd times the charm....)




that's the only praise I have, because the rest of this video SUCKS.

0:00 I think it'll say alot more about you than him.
0:20 If the episodes finds new ways of suck or sucks more than usual why not?
0:30-35 Criticism is obsession now :D good to know you're so obsessed with TheMysteriousMrEnter and AnimatedJames, oh and lets not forget 03bgood.
0:40 you know that's almost the kind of thing 03bgood would say... (the ISIS part)... yet everyone lets Clay Claymore go....
1:00 why not?
1:05 because people dont like TTG and want to watch people rip it apart, and in that regard TheMysteriousMrEnter is perfect
1:22 I see nothing wrong
1:41 those videos youre showing are about TROLLS, not CARTOONS
1:52 you prove you're just as ignorant as the TTG execs.
(He shows pictures of people he hates and they dont even look bad)
2:28 more like they refuce to address criticism
2:57 even if that was true about everybody, Mr. Enter's point still stands
3:08 how do you know he watched it on TV?
3:35 Unless your answer is "nothing" you guessed wrong.
3:55 you really think thats a good idea for an episode? also it exists to annoy people with crappy writing.
4:35 LAME!
4:44 except he actually knows what that means. apparently you don't if you're complaining about him using it.
5:15 he sure is! that's why he LOVED Sand Castles in the Sand right?
5:29 You probably only hate it because he does.
5:45 it seems more like you're insecure about the things others like.
5:55 No comment
6:00 See 5:29 (Also you get an Award for the lamest nickname for a cartoon ever!)
6:17 why did you REALLY make this video? to bitch about modern shows you dislike because someone you hate happens to like them? also it's on Disney XD not Disney Channel. you got on TheMysteriousMrEnter for using "Straw Man Fallacy" but you don't know what "hypocrisy" is!
(Havent seen much of the show, so I'll move on but not before saying that if you hate it, it can't be that bad.)
6:52, 6:58 see 4:35
7:15 that wasn't even RELEVANT.
7:49 you mean like yourself?
8:01 Please, listen to what he's saying and "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
8:16 still haven't read much of it but I know it isn't as bad as you're saying.
also did you think that maybe the staff members are BUSY WITH OTHER THINGS?
8:42 see 4:35
9:00 not really since he probably didnt watch it on TV
9:26 what is there to enjoy? if you dont already get it, i did NOT enjoy it.
9:31 You should be the last person talking about someone not being funny.

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