Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Taking on the menaces of the internet #7: Hypocrisy and whining against Foxiify (IN PROGRESS)

before i go back to riffing on the gaming community i thought i'd defend a notable Pokemon LPer: FOXIIFY!

You already know what kiwifar.ms is and I just described Foxiify.

Original thread here: https://kiwifar.ms/threads/foxiify.8561/

#1: this reminds me that i still have to watch Growing Around, havent seen or read an episode of it yet
her fame isnt non-existant and shes NOT a bitch
she does have talent
#2: yeah thanks for compiling so much of Foxiify greatness in a thread OP :D
#3: You would use the voice of an angel to mock someone else?
#4: you spelled "beautiful" wrong, nice going
#6: Wtf Are you even saying?
#7: are we looking at the same twitter?
#8: where did you get SJW from?
#10: she has no ego.
#11: yeah its news to me too and I agree on the talent part
#12: just saying it doesnt make it so.
#14: not even going to touch this, its yet another "SHES LIKE CHRIS CHAN" post
#15: so are your posts.
#16: when you're as talented as Foxiify yes you can :P
#22: how does she mock fans? and unless you mean she's a pop diva which I doubt she isnt a diva.
#23: she looks young but not THAT young, maybe 19 at least.
#24: using bases =/= tracing
#27: Not everyone can draw well even with bases
#35: kinda right
#38: it sure is! :P
#39: I agree :D
#40: Yeah i dont hear what you hear.
#41: Nitpicking
#44: Pointless screenshot
#45, #46: shes pretty calm considering the false accusations to her.
#49: it CAN happen, I've copied some pictures that peple thought i traced.
#58: more like because she shut you down
#61: Harhar.
#62: didnt you say that already?
#64: if youre not going to say anything original dont post, besides she doesn't have a baby face.
#68: no comment surprisingly
#83: Its  not your program, she just didn't trace.
#88: They dont all overlap.
#94: OF COURSE the body shape is gonna be the same, its from the same artist.
#95: The hair is kinda like a bulb and the floatation device is the same color as the shell.
#102: ....what did you expect? honestly...
#105: A streotypical 14 yr. old girl can be anything.
#106: LOL her comment
#119: That's true.
#121: it looks like one with them open because it IS one.
#127: commentary time! Foxiify is normal, Simplicity111 is bold and I'm italicized!
"A lot of people in this thread seem to think I'm egotistical. That's funny, considering I think I'm shit at everything I do. :P"

Proof of this? It seems like you pulled that out of thin air to get sympathy.

See below:

"I've even said in a few videos "I don't know why you watch me, my commentary is so bad"."

Alright, before I'm willing to believe you on this, where do you say that? Tell me. Also you claim not to be using different bases and bitch about other users constantly.

You were stalking her this whole time and never once heard it? wow...

"Dude, this forum is fucking cancer lmfao. It's just a bunch of hate threads for a bunch of different people lmfao"

It's called "lolcows". Some people do certain stupid shit on the internet, such as Chris-Chan, which is why they have threads here. They're fun to discuss. I'm surprised you've skipped over the shit in this thread that warrants you a thread here.

Thank you for proving her point :D

"Hi, person who, despite hating me, is stalking my twitter! Seems a bit odd, doesn't it? :)"

Again, lolcow material. By that logic you should stop stalking this site, but I don't really care, it's fun to see you squirm :P

You guys stalked her first. 

"You say I act like a typical 14/15/16 year old. You've taken to posting hate on an internet forum. How are YOU any more mature?"

Not all of this is blind hate. We're DISCUSSING. You on the other hand are making a million tweets to your fans that lead to nowhere, like a butthurt 14/15/16 year old. Since you've done many stupid things like claim not to use bases (I don't care how bad you claim your art to be, you still denied it), and holding your "Growing Around" video to a high pedestal in the comments section (so don't deny it) by "intensifying" the hype for a series that has been proven to never be able to come out.

If a guy with a Pokemon icon thinks your Pokemon letsplays are bad, you really are bad, whether you say it or not. Please, counter these points, I'm curious. And no I'm not stalking, I only found out about this a few minutes ago when someone else posted. You on the other hand are, but like I said earlier I don't mind, it just makes you hypocritical ;)

she informed them about kiwifarms so the tweets have a point.
If its not coming out why are there animations for it hmm????
Which guy with a Pokemon icon?

#133: another commentary!

You can say I'm lurking, but in reality I'm just trying to counter your bullshit arguments. Besides most of these comments I already have screencapped. So let's start Part II.

Didn't you just say you were "bad at everything you did?" Now I see you were trying to do it to hide your ego.

OR she was just proud of that one thing at the time.
One post said "they hate you when they want to be you".
Really? I don't ever want to be a bitch who makes shitty letsplays and traced (borderline stolen) drawings, who is going to star in a show that will never succeed.

You didnt even describe her.
https://archive.today/IVVKD (full comment)

I'm not about to run head first into a thread full of people who hate my guts lmao. Let 'em hate. Not much I can do to stop them. Posting in that thread would literally just give them more ammo. But hey, the opening post has links to all my social media so hey, free publicity. upload_2015-3-25_19-32-52.gif 

You're giving us more ammo right now by making all those posts on Twitter. Clearly it's not that much better of an alternative.

It is because shes not on your home turf.

I do find it kind of ironic that they think I'm egotistical and that I act like I'm some kind of prodigy at everything I do. I actually think I'm shit at everything I do, and I've even said in a few videos "I don't know why anyone watches my videos. My commentary is terrible". 

Again, source needed.


I'm literally the farthest thing FROM egotistical, but haters gon' hate. If I wasn't able to handle the hate, I'd have quit youtube a week after starting it. xD

Well, I CAN say I relate there.


I also love how one of her posts claim "mindless hate", when in reality @Twilight Sparkle has been giving her criticism to improve while she just shrugged it off. God damn.

I didnt see any.

#141: yeah a pointless discussion
#143: *laughs* 
#155: If she doesnt mind it then it can backfire on you.
#163: You JUST described a hate site.
#174: EXACTLY, it was 2 years ago.
#178: because people might be spamming her without telling anyone.
#200: fake or not, TRUTH!! *claps*
#212: again I dont hear it.


  1. Hey Missing if you're open here's a crappy video
